Monday, April 30, 2012

Unbelievable!  I'm out of the office for a couple days and apparently I miss "refrigerator clean out" day?  Grrrrrr.... while I'm all for cleaning out the crap that has sat in there for weeks and weeks (decomposing fruit, spoiled drinks, etc), a small thing of maple syrup and a bag of ground flaxseed wasn't hurting anyone!  Yet it's all gone.  :-(

I had to make my oatmeal this morning with water, cinnamon, vanilla extract and some raw sugar.  It was OK, but pales in comparison to the dish I usually enjoy.


As I was picking up some prescriptions yesterday, I at least had the foresight to grab something for lunch from Whole Foods.  They happily had some ready-made brown rice veggie sushi!  Made with carrots, avocado, cucumber, green leaf lettuce, with a white miso dressing to dip it in, if I so desire.  Do I revel in paying $7.50 for lunch?

Hell no.

But it was easy and quick, and I felt like crap yesterday.  So I'm dealing with it.  And going to enjoy it for lunch :-)  I love love looooove sushi (vegetarian, of course) and this will make Monday a little more palatable. 

I will, however, learn to roll my own sushi.  So stay tuned to this space for future Colleen-Inspired Veggie Sushi rolls!  Or hear about how I cut my fingers trying to finely chop veggies.  Either way, good stories to come.

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