Monday, April 2, 2012

I've always like Brussels

I had the most amazing dish the other night... my friend and I ordered take-out sushi from my absolute favorite sushi place in Boston. Of course I get the veggie sushi, made with brown rice, and it's always always delicious. But I was hungry so I threw in an appetizer as well with my order.

Brussels Sprouts.

And holy crap these were the best brussel sprouts I've ever tasted, and up there on the best appetizer or side veggie dish I've ever had!

The menu says it's brussels sprouts, red pepper, garlic and onion, and that really could have been it I guess. There was no sauce really, and it didn't taste at all oily, so at best there was a trace amount of that.

I'm DEFINITELY going to try recreating this. I can't say I've ever been a fan of cooked cabbage, and I know I'd hate overly cooked brussel sprouts, so I know the key is going to be in the preparation.

So to those of you that have cooked them recently (or ever!), any of your tips on how to cook them, I'll take willingly... :-)

But seriously, I think that was even better than the (small) piece of vegan chocolate cake I had Sat night when hanging out with my little cousin.

Or at least it was up there in the debate...

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