Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Who Knew These Existed?

I had my part-time MBA classes last night, so I grabbed a delicious 6" veggie grinder on my way (whole wheat bread, all the veggies, a little yellow mustard), and then had the rest of my beet juice when I got home with a couple handfulls of cinnamon Kashi shredded wheat for a snack.

And then, since I'm all domestic now, I decided to cook something up to bring for lunch today... so in the spirit of trying something completely new, I made a baked sweet potato!

("New" to me, obviously, and only refers to the actual baking of it. I have a strong feeling people have been making them for centuries...)

I know what many of you are thinking... I'm guessing it's something like this:

"But Colleen, to bake a sweet potato, all you do is wash it, stick a fork in it a couple times, and throw it in an oven for about 50 min"

Now, yes, that may be true. (Is true). But maybe I did it more eloquently than that. (Not really). And maybe my sweet potato is special. (Unlikely).

What I did do, though, was to wrap it in foil (SUCH a trailblazer), and about 45 min into the baking process, I sprinkled on my no-salt seasoning from Costco, nutritional yeast, and salt and pepper, and then baked it for another 7 minutes. (The prime number makes all the difference.)

I mashed it up, put it in a bowl and topped it with about a half can of Trader Joe fat-free refried beans. I'd take a picture, but it doesn't look quite as appetizing in a photo as I'm sure it's going to taste. I'll have to work on the appearance for the next time.

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